
Sunday, November 25, 2007

SQL SPY is returning

Project SQL SPY 5.2 is out! This version of SQL SPY fully supports SQL Server 2005 and has many new features exclusively for SQL 2005. SQL SPY was designed as a tool to display, monitor and report on valuable SQL Server information. Look around the internet and find any SQL Server monitoring tool. Now compare them to SQL SPY. What you will find is that you are going to pay hundreds, if not thousands of dollars for them. Since 1999 I have dedicated all my free time to developing an alternative to those high priced applications. Will those companies actually listen to you and add the features or functionality that you really want? SQL SPY supports 75 distinct features, and every one of those features has come from you.
Now you can customize SQL SPY yourself. I am offering the complete SQL SPY project for download!SQL SPY's reporting capabilities include the Server, Database, and Connection levels. Generate data object biographies that include dependencies, sizes, indexes, rules, triggers and defaults, stored procedures, user functions and views. Monitor and record user connections over long periods of time with minimal impact even within the most sensitive production environment.
1. If you are upgrading or reinstalling SQL SPY, you will need to use the "Clean" button on the SQL registration window and re-register any SQL 2005 instances to be able to use the new features.
2. I will not be supporting SQL SPY as of version 5.2. I am unable to keep up with the demand.

Please download the setup from
" SPY"

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