
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Create CLR Stored Procedure

With the latest version of SQL Server 2005, we have the the ability to write CLR from any .Net language.

Lets dig into more details:
I have started leaning C#, so let me show you how to write this code in C#. Please bare with me on the logic :)

1. Start Visual Studio 2005
2. Add new file
3. Select Class with C#
4. Mark the name as DemoProcCls.cs and write the below lines of code.

using System.Data.SqlServer;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
public class DemoProcCls
public static void DemoProc()
SqlPipe sqlPipe = SqlContext.GetPipe();
sqlPipe.Send("Hello World");

i) Compile the code into assembly
You need to find out the SQL Server path of "sqlaccess.dll".

csc /target:library D:\DemoProcCls.cs /r:"sqlaccess.dll"

ii) Load the above created assembly in SQL with the use of CREATE PROCEDURE
create procedure SampleDemoProc
as external name DemoProcCls.DemoProcCls.DemoProc

and execute the stored procedure as

exec SampleDemoProc

1 comment:

Vijaya Kadiyala said...

Hi Jones,
Thank you very much for posting comment about my blog...
keep watching....