
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Intellisense update/refresh on schema changes - SQL Server

The intellisense in SQL Server 2008 is a great feature but sometimes you might get into trouble with it. As an example, If you make any change like creating a new table or column name change etc, while SSMS is open those changes are not reflected in current or even new query editor window in that instance of SSMS.

If you close the instance and launch SSMS again then you can see the changes. So for every change you don't want to close and re-open. So here is the tip, Just refresh your local cache then it will work.

You can refresh you local cache by going to Edit->IntelliSense->Refresh Local Cache or simple using short cut (CTRL+Shift+R)

Reference : Vijaya Kadiyala (

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Thank you! I've been plagued by this forever and have gotten to the point where I was so annoyed by it that I decided to see if there was a solution. I googled and you appeared.