
Friday, December 7, 2007

Microsoft Indexing Service and ASP.NET

Microsoft Indexing Service is a service that provides a means of quickly searching for files on the machine. The most familiar usage of the service is on web servers, where it provides the functionality behind site searches. It is built into Windows 2000 and 2003. It provides a straightforward way to index and search your web site.

Connecting to the Indexing Service
The Indexing Service exposes itself to the developer as as ADO.Net provider MSIDXS with the data source equal to the indexing catalog name. For example, the connection string used insearching this site is

Provider="MSIDXS";Data Source="";

As with any other ADO.Net provider you use the connection string property of the System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection object.

using System.Data.OleDb;
protected OleDbConnection odbSearch;
odbSearch.ConnectionString= "Provider= \"MSIDXS\";Data Source=\"\";"
odbSearch.Open(); //Query and process result

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