
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Find Active Connections in SQL Server Using PowerShell

Today i would like to show you simple code to find the active connections in SQL Server using PowerShell. PowerShell code is very easy to write. All you need is the Class names to connect to the Database to do the required job.

In Simple Steps:
1) Load the SMO object into the memory.
2) Create a new instance of SqlConnection Object
3) Assign the connection string.
4) Open the connection.
5) Create a new instance of SqlCommand Object.
6) Build the query
7) Set the Connection to Command Object
8) Execute the Command and store the results in DataReader.
9) Use While Loop to display the information.

$oConn = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$oConn.ConnectionString = "SERVER=WNYCDEF3Q9W721\VJ_LCL;Integrated Security = True"

$Cmd = New-Object -TypeName
$sSQL = "SELECT db_name(dbid) as Database_Name, "
$sSQL = $sSQL + " count(dbid) as No_Of_Connections "
$sSQL = $sSQL + " FROM sys.sysprocesses "
$sSQL = $sSQL + " WHERE dbid > 0 "
$sSQL = $sSQL + " GROUP BY dbid "
$cmd.Connection = $oConn
$Cmd.CommandText = $sSQL
$data_reader = $Cmd.ExecuteReader()

while ($data_reader.Read())

$DB_Name = $data_reader.GetString(0)
$No_Of_Conn = $data_reader.GetInt32(1)
Write-host "Database Name:" $DB_Name " " "No_Of_Connections:" $No_Of_Conn " "


Stephen Mills said...

You actually don't need to load SMO for this. You are actually just using the base .net framework. Here's an example which might even give you more flexibility.

function Invoke-SQL
param ($Query)
$oConn = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$oConn.ConnectionString = "SERVER=WNYCDEF3Q9W721\VJ_LCL;Integrated Security = True"
$Cmd = New-Object -TypeName
$cmd.Connection = $oConn
$Cmd.CommandText = $Query
$DataAdapter = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
$DataAdapter.SelectCommand = $Cmd
$Dataset = new-object System.Data.DataSet "MyDataSet"
$null = $DataAdapter.Fill($Dataset)

Invoke-SQL -Query "
SELECT db_name(dbid) as Database_Name,
count(dbid) as No_Of_Connections
FROM sys.sysprocesses
WHERE dbid > 0
" | sort No_Of_Connections -desc | Format-Table -AutoSize

Vijaya Kadiyala said...

Hi Stephen
You are absoletely right.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Your code looks more elegant with the function.
Thanks -- Vijaya Kadiyala