
Sunday, May 3, 2009

SQL Server Tutorials

Designing and creating a database

Create Table Using Select in Sql Server
Change Data Type in SQL Server
Computed Columns in SQL Server
Drop table in SQL Server
Rename Table in SQL Server
Exception Handling at the Table Level
Find out all the child tables of a parent table
Sql Database Table Design

Data Type:
Is Your MONEY Safe in SQL Server
Get Current date and time in SQL Server using CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, GETDATE(), SYSDATETIME()

Create Table with Identity in SQL Server
Adding Identity to an existing table in SQL Server...
Insert Values into IDENTITY column using IDENTITY_INSERT...

Add NOT NULL Constraint in SQL Server 2005
Add Primary Key in SQL Server
Add Foreign Key in SQL Server 2005
List all the Primary Keys in SQL Server Database
List all the Foreign Keys in a SQL Server
Foreign Key and Primary Key in SQL Server
DEFAULT value in SQL Server
Drop DEFAULT Constraint in SQL Server
Check Constraint in SQL Server
Unique Constraint in SQL Server
RULE in SQL Server
Disable Constraint in SQL Server

Clustered Index in SQL Server
Non Clustered Index in SQL Server
Covering Index in SQL Server
Filtered indexes in SQL Server 2008
DROP INDEX - Must specify the table name and index name for the DROP INDEX statement

Simple Queries:
Select the nth best amount with simple query
Convert Rows to Columns with aggregate functions
Case Sensitive Search on a Case Insensitive SQL Server
Order By Clause is not accepting alias Name in SQL Server
Search For Columns in SQL Server

Analytical Functions:
Custom Pagging in SQL Server using ROW_NUMBER Function

Working with Data:
Join algorithms
TOP 5 ways to delete Duplicate Records in a Table
Generate and Insert the data into a table in SQL Server
Insert Multiple Rows with Single INSERT statement in SQL Server
What Happens When You Issue INSERT statement

String Functions:
String Functions in SQL Server Part 1
String Functions in SQL Server -- Final Part
Split Full Name into First Name, Middle Name, Last Name in SQL Server using PARSENAME function

Date Functions and Formats:
Date Format using CONVERT function in SQL Server
Get the records nearest to GETDATE() in SQL Server
DATEDIFF Function in SQL Server

Find out the objects on which the view depends either directly or indirectly

T-SQL Coding Standards
T-SQL Coding Standards Part - 2
T-SQL Coding Standards Part - 1

T-SQL Fundamentals
Declaring a variable in SQL Server 2008

T-SQL Stored Procedures
Useful Stored procedures in SQL Server Part 1
Useful Stored procedures in SQL Server -- Final Part

SQL Server Performance
What to do when SELECT query is Running Slowly?
Why we should avoid * in SELECT Clause to improve query performance
Why We should Use EXISTS instead of DISTINCT to improve Query Performance

SQL Server Errors and Resolutions
Very Common SQL Server Errors And Resolutions Part 1
Very Common SQL Server Errors And Resolutions Part 2
Very Common SQL Server Errors And Resolutions Part 3
Could not open a connection to SQL Server

MERGE in SQL Server 2005
Load text or csv file data into SQL Server
OUTPUT in SQL Server 2005
REVERSE String in SQL Server
Oracle Sequence Vs IDENTITY in SQL ServerCompare Rows in SQL Server
SQL SPY is returning
Information Schema Views in SQL Server
Enable SQL Full-text Filter daemon Launcher Process
How to find whether Full Text is Installed or not?
Why Upgrade to SQL Server 2008?
Get Database Traffic Report in SQL Server
When to use fully qualified names in SQL Server
Convert Number to Varchar in SQL Server using CAST or CONVERT or STR or Any other String Functions

SQL Server 2005 Features
New features of SQL Server 2005 -- Part 1
New features of SQL Server 2005 -- Part 2
New features of SQL Server 2005 -- Part 3

SQL Server 2008 Features
Using T-SQL MERGE command in SQL Server 2008


Gaurav Arora said...

Hi Vijaya,

Really really a good stuff.

Can you tell me What is 'Channel 6 Study Circle'?

Vijaya Kadiyala said...

Hi Gaurav
Thank you for visiting my blog.
This is the Code which i used to teach the Subjects Online and Offline :).